Are you facing a financial emergency and in need of quick cash? Look no further, a secured loan option called a cash-backed loan may be the solution for you. By using collateral, such as a valuable asset, you can secure funds at a lower interest rate. In the Philippines, top online lenders offer car collateral loans, allowing car owners to leverage the value of their vehicle for funding.

BlendPH, a trusted peer-to-peer funding platform, recently introduced this type of loan in their product offerings. If you’re interested in turning your car’s ORCR into cash, here are some expert tips to help you get the best deal on a car collateral loan:

TIP1: If you’re in need of a car collateral loan, it’s important to compare prices and terms from both online lenders and traditional banks. Make sure you get the best rate available! After you have determined that a trusted online lender or peer-to-peer platform is the way to go, check their interest rates to see if they’re flexible. Reputable online lenders typically base the loan rate, amount borrowed, and loan term on both credit and the value of your collateral.

BlendPH, a top P2P lender in the Philippines, offers the ultimate solution for car owners in need of cash. With their Auto Sangla program, you can apply for a secured loan with your car as collateral. Loan amounts range from 50 thousand to two million pesos, with interest rates falling between 1.5 to 3 percent, depending on risk type. And, with loan terms ranging from 6 months to 3 years, you’ll have the flexibility to repay the loan on your own terms. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to get the best financial deal possible!”

TIP2: Understand Total Loan Cost. Don’t just settle for the appraised value of your car and the monthly payment. Dive deeper into the calculation of the interest rate for your car loan. The good news is, obtaining a collateral loan on your vehicle can be quick and cost-effective. Keep in mind, however, that the key to securing the best car loan is realizing that a shorter term equals higher monthly payments. With a car title loan, it’s crucial to understand that if the loan is not repaid, the borrower will have to surrender ownership of the vehicle to the lender. To safeguard yourself against financial hardship, it’s recommended to keep the loan term as short as possible. By doing so, you’ll end up paying less in finance charges and overall costs. Get smart with your car loan today!


Drive away with peace of mind knowing you can still use your car. Before applying for a car title loan, make sure to inquire about their policy on car usage during the loan period. Don’t risk losing your vehicle, take the time to ensure you’ll be able to keep it.

Finding secure loans with low interest rates can be a challenge, especially for those with bad credit. But with the right research, you can find options that meet your needs without putting your car in jeopardy. If you’re facing financial difficulties and are unsure about generating a steady income stream, consider alternative forms of collateral to secure your loan. Keep in mind that newer cars with clear titles and significant equity are more attractive to lenders, as they pose less financial risk. Don’t let a temporary setback put your transportation at risk, find the best loan option for you today.

TIP4: Experience seamless and secure transactions with BlendPH, a trusted peer-to-peer funding platform. Our team guides customers through the easy online application and approval process, ensuring they understand why rejections may occur, such as missing documentation. With the support of funding partners, we expedite loan approvals and empower more creditworthy Filipinos to achieve financial inclusion. Our commitment to transparency and fairness builds consumer trust, while also educating consumers on their loan obligations and payment sustainability. Partner with BlendPH for a hassle-free funding experience.

Unlock the power of short-term liquidity with a collateral loan from a leading player in the US cash-backed loan industry. Whether you’re in need of quick funds or just looking to make a smart financial move, a car collateral loan is the solution for you. To ensure you get the best deal, be sure to do your research and get certified based on your vehicle’s fair market value. Start your journey towards a successful financial future today with a car collateral loan